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Culture and Values


Compliance first in everything we do

  • Key to long-term shareholder value

  • As a competitive advantage

  • Keeps bad actors out

  • Prevents crime

  • Is the right thing to do.


Do the right thing

  • Having the 'right moral compass' is fundamental 

  • Complex regulatory situations require enlightened people, with superb communication skills and tenacity

  • On occasions doing the right thing is not doing the easy things.


Digital and data-driven 

  • Payments technology moves at lightning speed. Compliance needs to match it

  • Our decisions are always data and evidence-driven but with human insight and intuition

  • Digital data and AI have to work together to fight crime.

Financial inclusion for everyone

  • The world and finance is not 'fair'

  • Financial exclusion impacts vulnerable people the most

  • Our work aims to make the world a fairer place

  • We are committed to our charity-giving objectives.


If you can be anything. Be kind 

  • Kindness is not expensive

  • Kindness is not difficult

  • Kindness is nice to give and nice to receive.

Everyone is welcome here

  • A diverse and inclusive team is quite simply the best team 


Make it fun

  • Life is too short and work too long not to have fun

  • We deal with serious subjects, we like to have fun as well.

Courage to be different

  • Being the same and doing the same as everyone else does not drive positive change 

  • Being different takes courage and hard work but is worth it

  • Bringing people with you on a change journey is important. It can be fun too when done with humor and kindness. 


Be green.
The planet is for everyone

  • "No one is too small to make a difference." Greta Thunberg

  • Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) is for everyone, and everyone needs to do their bit.

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