Special Administration Systems (SAS)

Our turnkey technology-enabled Bureau solutions are deployed as your own privately hosted solution and can be configured to meet your unique needs. The Bureau is delivered with either our own staff, or we can train your staff to operate the solution as well.
The Bureaus are explicitly designed for regulated customers and to meet the requirements of the FCA and ISO Certification Bodies.
The Standard and Enterprise solutions can support hundreds of thousands of records, while the Custom Bureau can be scaled to millions of records should you require.
Standard and Enterprise level Bureaus are deployed within 72 hours of contract.
APP Scam Reimbursement Insurance
APP Fraud Reimbursement insurance is available to UK Payment Service Providers (PSP), their Agents and Distributors.
The new APP rules represent a Board level risk for all impacted Financial Institutions - APP Fraud Reimbursement Insurance can provide your Board with substantial business risk mitigation.
The insurance and supporting digital audits help you mitigate real-world APP operational risks as well as providing the insurance cover your Board needs.

Regulatory Audits as a Service (RAaaS)

Our patented* RAaaS model offers a unique approach to auditing and reduces the time, cost, and pressure to your teams.
By combining traditional techniques with digital behavioural dynamics, RAaaS delivers added insight to help you drive change and improvement giving you digital tools and algorithms to see where the key issues are allowing your teams to 'do the right things' as well as 'doing things right'.
Our unique approach takes the stress and uncertainty out of audits, it provides a non-bias, scalable, consistent solution ensuring you always remain aligned to the regulatory requirements and FCA principles.
Meeting the specific needs of Agents and Distributors working with a principle EMI, each audit is measured against current EMI regulations and the FCA principles-based regulatory risk management framework.
* Patent No 20060206287
Dormant Funds Administration
We specialise in Dormant Funds Administration, so you don't have to.
If you have EMI pre-paid card 'breakages' or dormant funds on EMI payment accounts we can substantially reduce your risk.
Outsource the administrative burden of dormant funds to us. You retain the Client Funds under your own EMI licence, we take the administrative burden off you and allow your team to focus on higher-priority activities.
Most EMIs that have Dormant Funds, or card breakages manage these badly and risk falling foul of new Consumer Duty regulations.
EMI Dormant Funds and card breakages carry serious risks in wind-down planning and particularly serious risks in a wind-down scenario.

Interim Management

Finding the right skill set for your growing team can be a challenge.
When you are growing we can support you with a 'fractional role' - giving you access to senior people on a part-time basis as you grow.
Sometimes people leave at short notice in mandatory roles. We have a network of experienced Finance, Fincrime, MLROs, Compliance, and Operations interims who can provide the senior skills your business needs at short notice, whilst you take the time to recruit your ideal candidate for the permanent role.