Customer process to get APP insurance
Standard Route​​
S1 - Read all information on following links: APP fraud reimbursement insurance e-guide and SD20 requirements
S2 Book initial meeting (Elmore & Green Swan)​. Ideally your MLRO and APP Insurance leads should attend
S3 Enter your signature details here for the Mutual NDA​ Download here. (NDA will be issued via DocuSign by Elmore)
S4 Purchase and reserve your RAaaS APP survey
Complete participant information.​ Return the information to your GSC lead contact
Review participant briefing​
Final external auditor report with comments received
Call with GSC team to discuss the report
Management comments to be added and final report submitted to underwriters
Maturity Index scale
S5 Complete both the APP audit and the online Insurance Application form and submit both for review
To help you work through the audit before completing online we have created a word document to print out here
Please note that final submissions MUST be completed via the online form
S6 Call with Elmore & Green Swan to go through the audit and application form results and agree next steps
S7 On successful next steps you will need to provide your loss data using the below templates:
S8 Agree with Elmore that your loss data is complete and of sufficient quality for underwriters to offer quotation
S9 update and resubmit online APP insurance application form
S10 Agree with Elmore that your updated loss data is complete and of sufficient quality for underwriters to offer final quotation
S11 Recieve final quotation and key policy limits with policy T&C
S12 Sign Policy documents and commence APP cover
RAaaS disclaimer
By proceeding you agree to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy
Booster packs and external audit services may be subject to additional Terms and Conditions
Support notes for APP RAaaS Application
We recommend you allow 60 days from starting the application process to your policy commencing, although the process can be completed quicker than this if all the required information is available. Due to the variability and complexity of the organisations identified by the PSR under Special Directive 20 (SD20) it may take some organisations longer.
There is no guarantee that the underwriters will offer cover to all SD20 organisations or at the level of cover that is requested.
Key factors that will influence the speed at which you are able to get APP insurance quote include:
(i) speed and accuracy you are able to get (3 years) of historic loss and fraud data in the format required by the underwriters
(ii) speed and accuracy that you are able to complete the APP insurance application form
(iii) the timescales in which you can commence the APP RAaaS eligibility audit
(iv) timescales you may need to remedy any mandatory items required by the underwriters from the APP eligibility audit
(v) timescales required for the underwriters to review your application and the policy terms including items such as risk assessments and data reporting items and further reviews of your organisation's finalised policies, processes, and controls.